Wednesday, November 3, 2010
The Huge Republican Wave
It is the humble opinion of this blogger that the reason the Democrats lost so many races last night was not due to what they did over the past two years, but what they didn't do. And what was that? Well, it's a simple thing, really: their jobs. If the Democrats had not been nearly so worried about what their opponents' campaign commercials would look like and had actually done the jobs that they were elected to do, perhaps people would have had a bit more confidence in their ability to actually get anything done.
So, hey Democrats! How about, just for shits and giggles, you all do the stuff you were elected to do...all the stuff you promised to do when you were campaigning? If you don't remember what those promises were, go do a search for your name on YouTube and watch one of the speeches from your campaign. For once, don't focus so much on getting re-elected that you are afraid to do even one little thing that might not be popular with 100% of the voting public. Because you know what? I have the sneaking suspicion that if you do as little during the next two years as you have the last two, you won't really need to worry about getting re-elected when your time comes.
Now, all you Dems who are still in office - let's get out there, start getting some stuff done and piss some people off!
Friday, October 22, 2010
Republican Tax Decrease Analogy
The Republicans and their insistence about lowering taxes is like someone saying to themselves, 'Hey, I can't afford to pay all of my bills right now. I should go out and get a job in which I make even less money! That will *totally* fix it!'
What the hell kind of sense does that make? An elementary school student or a chimpanzee with an abacus could probably tell you that Not Enough Money + Less Money = REALLY not enough money. In no reality does Not Enough Money + Less Money = Prosperity for Everyone.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Does Not Follow Instructions
It said:
I need to find out how to go about removing my name and address from your mailing list. I have gotten mailings from you the past 5 or 6 days, all of which are going directly into my recycling bin. I am a registered Democrat. I most likely won't be voting for a Republican anytime soon, no matter how much stuff I get in the mail about it. As a liberal, I am also a tree-hugging hippie, and would like to prevent trees from being killed needlessly. Please e-mail me and let me know how I can get you to stop sending me crap in the mail.
Thanks so much in advance!
The Rabid Donkey
After a wonderful two days of not receiving those pointless mailings, we received two more one day, addressed to my husband instead of myself. The next day, we got another two.Really? Do I have to write another bitchy e-mail to get them to stop sending us crap in the mail? Here's my question: if they can't comply with a simple request to remove me from their mailing list, who is to say that they would actually endeavor to legislate the will of the people?
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Death Threats Now?
The fact that the Republicans are blaming the Democrats for the increase in death threats and hate speech is also completely bogus. That's like saying someone who was assaulted is responsible for it because they brought it to the attention of the police.
This all goes back to my previous wish for the Republicans to once again become acquainted with reality. Not their apparent Armageddon-is-soon-to-be-upon-us reality, but the reality that most of the rest of us live in.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Fundamental Differences Between Parties
In my experience, Republicans care really strongly about a few things:
1) They want to keep the money they've made (and keep it away from the less fortunate),
2) They want to hang on to their guns (and would prefer to carry them wherever they go), and
3) They don't want women to have any reproductive choice, even in the event of rape, incest or possible health risks to the mother.
Democrats care strongly about universal access to health care, trying to raise up the less fortunate and poverty-stricken, giving our children a better education than they received through No Child Left Behind, making sure our veterans are treated with respect and proper medical care, equal pay for both sexes, a woman's right to choose, taking care of the environment, updating energy policy, getting the economy back under control, decreasing unemployment rates, etc.
Recently, Republicans also care about whatever their pundits work them into a lather about. If Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh weren't conservative darlings, their ranting might be grounds to commit them for a 5150 psych hold. Most of what they (and the talking heads like them) are saying lately sound like the paranoid delusions of a crazy person. Whenever I see clips from their shows, I imagine that the person speaking is a 7-year-old who is prone to exaggeration and it makes it slightly less scary. All their talk of socialized medicine, gulags, death panels, Obama and the Democrats trying to prevent you from receiving necessary medical care and deciding when your friends and family are going to die, etc. is so far outside of reality to me that it boggles my mind that there are people in this country who actually believe it.
I just hope that at some point soon the fog of "group think" lifts and Republican politicians, citizens, and pundits become acquainted once again with reality.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
The Republicans' New Motto
Health care? We don't care if 30 million people don't have health insurance or are under-insured...we can afford ours just fine! If the poor can't afford health coverage or health care - too damn bad! They should just work harder! F*#k the poor! They're on their own!
Help keeping school costs down and trying to allow more people to have access to a good education without saddling them with debt for the rest of their lives? We don't want to do that! Our kids are getting their education just fine...they may not do anything with it, but they're getting it! Who cares if the poor or even the middle class can't afford to send their kids to school?
Not letting unemployment lapse? First of all, anyone who is unemployed is just not working hard enough. The jobs are out there! They just need to get one (or two, or three)! Then they'd be fine! Giving them unemployment benefits just makes them lazy and less likely to look for a job, right?
If anyone can give me an example of a recent political issue on which Republicans show some sort of capacity for caring for anyone not making at least $1,000,000, let me know. And no, lowering estate taxes and taxes on capital gains does not count.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Really, Senator Bunning?
I'm not sure what his ideal final outcome would have been, but I'm happy that the public and his fellow senators finally said last night what they should have said to him a few days ago: "Step aside, son, and let the grown-ups get back to work."