Friday, October 22, 2010

Republican Tax Decrease Analogy

Here's just a quick thought for you:

The Republicans and their insistence about lowering taxes is like someone saying to themselves, 'Hey, I can't afford to pay all of my bills right now. I should go out and get a job in which I make even less money! That will *totally* fix it!'

What the hell kind of sense does that make? An elementary school student or a chimpanzee with an abacus could probably tell you that Not Enough Money + Less Money = REALLY not enough money. In no reality does Not Enough Money + Less Money = Prosperity for Everyone.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Does Not Follow Instructions

After receiving twice-daily mailings from the Michigan Republican Party, I finally wrote a letter to them via the "Contact Us" page of their website.

It said:


I need to find out how to go about removing my name and address from your mailing list. I have gotten mailings from you the past 5 or 6 days, all of which are going directly into my recycling bin. I am a registered Democrat. I most likely won't be voting for a Republican anytime soon, no matter how much stuff I get in the mail about it. As a liberal, I am also a tree-hugging hippie, and would like to prevent trees from being killed needlessly. Please e-mail me and let me know how I can get you to stop sending me crap in the mail.

Thanks so much in advance!


The Rabid Donkey

After a wonderful two days of not receiving those pointless mailings, we received two more one day, addressed to my husband instead of myself. The next day, we got another two.

Really? Do I have to write another bitchy e-mail to get them to stop sending us crap in the mail? Here's my question: if they can't comply with a simple request to remove me from their mailing list, who is to say that they would actually endeavor to legislate the will of the people?